In December 2018, Google declared their decision to shut down Google+ for consumers in April 2019 because of low utilization and difficulties associated with keeping up an effective product that meets consumers’ expectations.
Google's support page subtleties precisely how the G+ shutdown will go down, and it's not simply freezing posts on the site. The entire site will be taken down, and everything will be erased. "On April second, your Google+ account and any Google+ pages you made will be closed down and we will start erasing content from consumer Google+ accounts.
The entire deletion process sounds ruthless. It won't simply be the whole Google+ webpage that will be scoured from the Internet—Google+-controlled remarks on Blogger and other outsider locales will all be erased, as well. Clients of Google+ have until April to download and save everything themselves, which they can do by means of this page.
Update: It's important to note that this shutdown is just for consumer Google+ information. For paying G Suite customers, Google+ will remain active. Google's page says "If you’re a G Suite customer, Google+ for your G Suite account should remain active." The company even promises "a new look and new features soon" on the G Suite side of things.
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